March 17
Opening of the Exhibition Star Wars - Spielzeug aus der Weltraumsaga /
Toys from the Space Saga
Toy Museum Nurembeg
May 18
- 22
Premiere of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
Roxy Kino Nuremberg
May 29
Diorama Workshop during the exhibition Star Wars - Spielzeug aus der
Weltraumsaga / Toys from the Space Saga
Toy Museum Nuremberg
Guidances during the Exhibition Star Wars - Spielzeug aus der
Weltraumsaga / Toys from the Space Saga
Toy Museum Nuremberg
Promotion for Episode III Action Toys
Spielwaren Schweiger Nuremberg
July 30
Costume Party during the Exhibition Star Wars - Spielzeug aus der
Weltraumsaga / Toys from the Space Saga
Toy Museum Nuremberg
October 08
Collectors Fair during the Exhibition Star Wars - Spielzeug aus der
Weltraumsaga / Toys from the Space Saga
Toy Museum Nuremberg
October 29 - 31
Promotion for the Episode III DVD and the Battlefront II Game
Media Markt Mercado Nuremberg